Locate the Explosives: After a cutscene, you will be in a driving train. Go downstairs and search the shelves to find it.ĩ. There is a broken part of a train with a ladder in the middle. Locate the Explosives: After going through a dark corridor with enemies, you will enter a large room that looks like a workshop. Go up the escalator on the left to find a collectible next to a trash can.Ĩ. Locate the Explosives: After chasing down a high value target, you will see some cutscenes and be in a frozen train station where robots attack you.
You can only pick it up after you have killed the enemies with your drone and destroyed the generator.ħ. When you enter the room, on the right side, is a collectible. Locate the Generator: When you control the drone/robot, you will have to enter a large room with lots of enemies. When you enter the vehicle, you cannot go back and will miss it - so make sure you pick it up beforehand.Ħ. Before entering the vehicle, look at the back of the hangar for the last collectible of this mission. You are then told to get into an APC with your teammates. Go to the Secondary Extraction Point: When you get ambushed by a large group of robots, you have to flee into a hangar. Go to the Extraction Point: In the hangar where you have to shoot a VTOL's rockets to destroy two armored vehicles, after destroying the vehicles, search inside the office on the left side of the hangar.ĥ. After breaching the door, check the corner to your left.Ĥ. Go to the Interrogation Room: You will come to a bunker where you have to breach the door to the interrogation room. Infiltrate the Security Station: In the room where you have to hack the camera control, turn around from the camera control panel to see it in a corner.ģ. In the next room, on a computer desk, is the first collectible.Ģ. Infiltrate the Security Station: Immediately after the mission begins, you must crouch under some broken plane wheels. You can also replay missions at any time to find the missing items.ġ. The pause menu shows them in the order in which they can be collected, making it very easy to find what is missing. Additionally, you can pause the game anytime and see a little collectible tracker in the bottom right corner. There is a collectible tracker in mission selection that displays how many collectibles you have found in each mission. They usually get marked by a white icon when you are getting really close. intel, helmets, weapons, flowers, necklaces, robot parts, etc.). Each collectible looks different and they come in many forms and shapes (e.g. You will also get the "Walking Encyclopedia" achievement for finding all collectibles in one mission. Search the indicated locations to find all 56 collectibles and get the "Curator" achievement. Successfully complete all missions in Campaign mode to unlock Nightmares mode, which is a bonus single player and co-op campaign with an alternate story and zombies. After the intro sequence finishes, you will get the "Silverback In Black" achievement. Access the terminal and press the secret button in the top left corner (the blue and white logo to the left of the "Data Vault" that looks like an "S") to start Dead Ops Arcade 2. In the safehouse is a data terminal (looks like a big computer screen). Secret Dead Ops Arcade 2 gameĪfter completing Mission 2: New World in the campaign, you can enter the safehouse at any time. You will be given a random number of Fabrication Kits. The cheat menu can also be displayed at any options menu. Note: These codes do not disable achievements from being earned. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
#Call of duty 3 mods code
Access the terminal and highlight the secret button in the top left corner (the blue and white logo to the left of the "Data Vault" that looks like an "S"), then hold LB + RB + LT + RT and press X + Y to display a hidden code entry menu.
After completing Mission 2: New World in the campaign, you can enter the safehouse at any time.